Actually this may be a bit biased towards League of Legend....but anyway few weeks ago i got an email from S2 games telling me that Heroes of Newerth is going free to play.I played it in Beta a bit and when i found out about League of Legends i switched and never looked back one second.
I loved Dota and i have to say it's one of the games that marked my childhood along WoW.So when i first heard about a Dota game with a better engine i was like ''Fuck yea''.It seemed decent to me in Beta and i played a bit of HoN and then i went back to WoW.
When i first played League of Legends i was amused by the cartoon graphics and i didn't think i would ever play that game for too long.After a bit of time it grew close to me and i absolutely love it at the moment.So after my first 3 games in free to play HoN i noticed they actually followed Riot's model only that it's way WORSE for the new players.The heroes seem to be way more expensive,everyone is treating you like garbage and it seems like a trial compared to League of Legends where you actually feel like you're working your way out to buy Champions and Runes and stuff.And at the moment League of Legends just seems to be more complex with all the runes,masteries and things you can mingle with to get the best out of your champion.
Another bad thing that i can't stand about Heroes of Newerth is that the graphics while trying to look amazing is absolutely a clusterfuck for a MOBA type of game.Seriously i can't stand it and you just can't focus with all the flashy stuff around.So i am gonna give it for League of Legends here as well,the simple,cartoon graphics and animations are actually better.
Still i found some good things in Heroes of Newerth as well.First of all i like the community better.Even though it is filled with elitist i can stand that more than i stand trolling,noobs and ragers in ranked in League of Legends.I mean i hate the excuse that they are playing casual and that's why they are feeding.If you don't want to try to play better just go play normal.Heroes of Newerth actually proved that most of the old school dota players are playing it and even if they flame you you are actually learning something instead of losing game after game because of feeders and noobs.
As a conclusion i have to say greed is S2's trademark now and if you actually enjoy HoN you should purchase it as the premium players have way more advantages that may take months to gain as a free to play player.
P.S:I'd still like some of HoN's community to join League of Legends.
Anonymous said...
August 29, 2011 at 10:19 PM
esti piesa mah :))
Anonymous said...
December 6, 2011 at 11:57 AM
ezio auditore